SFB 1357 Mikroplastik Seminar

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Seminartermine Winterersemester 2024 / 2025
12:15, AI, H33 und Zoom
Dr. Florian Pohl, Emmy-Noether Group, University of Bayreuth
Moving marine microplastics
How does plastic litter reach the deep seafloor, how is it transported, and where does it accumulate? In this presentation, I will explore how sedimentary processes in the deep-sea govern the transport, dispersal, and deposition of microplastics in seafloor sediments. Insights from seafloor sediment samples and direct monitoring of active deep-sea sediment flows reveal some of the mechanisms that move plastics across the ocean floor.
Montag, 05. Mai 2025
12:15, S135, NWIII und Zoom
Prof Dr. Holger Ruckdäschel, Polymer Engineering & Prof. Dr. Jürgen Senker, Inorganic Chemistry
CRC 1357 Insights Seminar
Das C01 Projekt mit Prof. Dr. Holger Ruckdäschel und Prof. Jürgen Senker als Vortragende gibt Einblicke in die Forschung des SFB Mikroplastik. Teaser: tba
Link: Publikationen
Link: Poster
Montag, 02. Juni 2025
12:15, AI, H33 und Zoom
Prof. Dr. Luca Nizzetto, Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo, Norway
Titel: tba
Teaser tba
Montag, 30. Juni 2025
12:15, AI, H33 und Zoom
Prof. Dr. Annika Jahnke, UFZ Helmhotl Zentrum für Umweltforschung
Titel: tba
Teaser tba
Montag, 28.Juli 2025
12:15, AI, H33 und Zoom
Dr. Julia Möller, Wageningen University & Research
Is compostable also eco-friendly? – The fate and effects of compostable plastic bags after composting“
Teaser tba
Vergangene Seminartermine:
- 13.02.2025 - Dr. Helmut Winterling: Sustainability and Digitalization in R&D @ BASFEinklappen
Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2025
10:00, H30 im FAN-B GebäudeSustainability and Digitalization in R&D @ BASF
Dr. Helmut Winterling, President Group Research, BASF LudiwgshafenThe chemical industry is facing groundbreaking transformations in the coming decades. These challenges will lead to significant changes how we create chemistry. BASF has set itself a Net Zero ambition by 2050 and strives to be a strong enabler of circular economy. The presentation highlights several key examples of the BASF journey to sustainability and how BASF is tackling these challenges through innovation. A key enabler which will be highlighted in the presentation are digital and modelling methods providing new routes to solutions.
Dr. Winterling studied chemistry at the University of Cologne, Germany, and obtained his PhD in Physical Chemistry from the same university in 1998. He began his career at BASF in 1999 as research manager, Polymer Research, in Ludwigshafen, Germany. In 2002, he was appointed consultant for Chemicals Policy, and subsequently, head of Chemicals Legislation, Environment, Health and Safety. In 2006, he took over the responsibility for Project and Investment Controlling, Styrenics. In 2008, Winterling became head of Global Strategic Marketing Foams, Performance Polymers. Four years later, he became vice president and staff to the chairman of the Board of Executive Directors. In 2016, he moved to Shanghai, China, as senior vice president, Advanced Materials & Systems Research/Dispersions & Pigments, of BASF Advanced Chemicals Co., Ltd. In 2021, he returned to Ludwigshafen, Germany, to assume the role of senior vice president, Senior Project R&D Transformation, before his appointment in 2022 as senior vice president, Digitalization, Automation and Innovation Management. In 2023, he became president of Group Research at BASF.Link: Poster
- 20.01.2025 - Dr. Maaike Vercauteren:The invisible threat: from exposure to effect studies on micro-and nanoplasticEinklappen
Montag, 20.Januar 2025
12:15, AI, H33 und ZoomDr. Maaike Vercauteren, Blue Growth Research Lab, Ghent University
The invisible threat: from exposure to effect studies on micro-and nanoplastic
Micro- and nanoplastic pollution is a complex and multilayered problem where the heterogeneity of the particles is getting more and more attention. With this talk Maike Vercauteren will guide you through her research and the research done at Ghent University where they try to include this heterogeneity to the best of their abilities to gather knowledge on exposure and effects of micro- and nanoplastics pollution for environmental and human health.
Link: to Homepage: Maaike Vercauteeren
Link: Publikationen
Link: Poster - 13.01.2025 - Dr. Johanna Schmidtmann, Hydrology, University of BayreuthEinklappen
Montag,13. Januar 2025
12:15, AI, H33 und ZoomDr. Johanna Schmidtmann, Hydrology, University of Bayreuth
CRC 1357 Insights: The role of heteroaggregation on the fate of microplastics in the environment
To understand how microplastic particles behave in the environment, it is essential to study their interactions with widely distributed environmental colloids. Processes like heteroaggregation will affect the fate and transport of microplastic particles. Furthermore, UV-irradiation alters the surface properties of microplastic particles, which plays a major role in the interactions with other substances. Here, I will present results from a study about the interactions between pristine and UV-weathered microplastic particles with naturally occurring iron oxyhydroxides. I will discuss the influence of surface properties of microplastics particles on their heteroaggregation and subsequent sedimentation in water.
Link: to Homepage: Dr. Johanna Schmidtmann
Link: Publikationen
Link: Poster - 16.12.2024 - Prof. Dr. Holger Kress: Which properties of microplastic particles are relevant for their interactions with cells?Einklappen
Montag, 16. Dezember 2024
17:00, H18, NWII und ZoomProf. Dr. Holger Kress, Biological Physics, University of Bayreuth
CRC 1357 Inisights: Which properties of microplastic particles are relevant for their interactions with cells?
The study of microplastic effects on organisms is challenging due to the vast variability in polymer types, chemical modifications, shapes, and sizes, as well as the diversity of model organisms. To reduce this complexity, we focus on cells as the basic building blocks of life, and we aim to identify which microplastic particle properties are crucial for their interactions with cells. In particular, we focus on the physicochemical surface properties of particles and their influence on particle adhesion to cells and particle internalization by cells.Link: to Homepage: Prof. Dr. Holger Kress
Link: Publikationen
Link: Poster - 16.09.2024 - Prasanth Babu Ramesh: Shaping the Fate of MicroplasticsEinklappen
Montag,16. September 2024
10 Uhr, ZOOM und PNS Seminarraum,PhD Seminar: Prasant Babu Ramesh of IITB-Monash Research Academy
Shaping the Fate of Microplastics: The Impact of Environmental Factors on Plastic Surfaces Interactions with Marinobacter sp.
Link: Poster
Link: Personal Homepage
- 25.07.2024 - Projektbereichstreffen der C-ProjekteEinklappen
Montag, 25 Juli 2024
13.00 - 17.00 CET, Seminarraum S 104, FAN BProjektbereichstreffen der C-Projekte
Degradation von Kunststoffen in natürlichen und technischen Systemen sowie die Entwicklung neuer Lösungsansätze
Internes Projekttreffen für Doktoranden und PIs des Projektbereichs C, des S01-Projekts und der Z-Projekte. Die Es wird Präsentationen der Doktoranden zum Projektfortschritt geben und Diskussionen um die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit zwischen allen C-Projekten zu fördern.
Organisation: Projektbereichssprecher Prof. Dr. Holger Ruckdäschel & Projektbereichssprecherin Prof. Dr. Seema Agarwal
- 22.07.2024 - Prof. Shai Arnon: Unraveling microplastic deposition in rivers through the lens of sedimentary processesEinklappen
Montag, 22. Juli 2024
12:15 Uhr, ZOOM und Hörsaal: H33, Angewandte Informatik-GebäudeProf. Dr. Shai Arnon, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Unraveling microplastic deposition in rivers through the lens of sedimentary processes
Studies on MP deposition sediments show that the shear stress theory, hyporheic exchange, and bioturbation can partly explain MP transport and deposition in streams. Nevertheless, these processes cannot fully explain the observed distributions of MPs, especially the incorporation into deeper stream sediments. In this talk, I will review the mechanisms of MP deposition and will show experimental and modeling results that explain why it is important to consider streambed movement when trying to predict MP transport in river networks. It is argued that incorporating data on MP distribution in riverbeds with fluvial geomorphological and particle transport models will improve the current evaluation of MP transport in river networks and their burial residence time distribution.
Link: Poster
Link: Personal Homepage
Host: Prof. Dr. Stefan Peiffer, Hydrologie, UBT
- 16.07.2024 - Projektbereichstreffen der A-ProjekteEinklappen
Montag, 16 Juli 2024
9:00 - 13.00 CET, H13 im NWIProjektbereichstreffen der A-Projekte
Biologische Effekte
Internes Projekttreffen für Doktoranden und PIs des Projektbereichs A, des S01-Projekts und der Z-Projekte. Die Es wird Präsentationen der Doktoranden zum Projektfortschritt geben und Diskussionen um die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit zwischen allen A-Projekten zu fördern.
Organisation: Projektbereichssprecher Prof. Dr. Tillmann Lüders & Projektbereichssprecherin Prof Dr. Heike Feldhaar
- 08.07.2024 - Dr. -Ing. Gholamreza Shiravani: 3D-Modeling of microplastic transport in tidal rivers Einklappen
Montag, 08. Juli 2024
12:15 Uhr, ZOOM und Hörsaal: H33, Angewandte Informatik-GebäudeDr.-Ing. Gholamreza Shiravani,
Niedersächsischer Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz3D-Modeling of microplastic transport in tidal rivers by including the bio-geological effects
Microplastic-transport mechanisms are using a developed 3D-numerical model for a tidal river from microplastic-sources (point form and diffusive sources) to accepting seas presented. The role of the bio-geological parameters on the fate of microplastics and their corresponding parametrization are explained. Moreover, the model capabilities and uncertainties are through the application of the model for microplastics-transport in the Weser estuary discussed. Finally, the model performance is through the comparison of the model results with microplastic-measurements for the Weser river evaluated.
Link: Poster
Link: Betriebstelle Norden, Niedersächsischer Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz
Host: Prof. Dr. Vadym Aizinger, Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, UBT - 01.07.2024 - Dr. Francesca De Falco: The role of plastic alternatives and substitutes in the quest to end plastic pollutionEinklappen
Montag, 01. Juli 2024
12:15 Uhr, ZOOM und Hörsaal: H33, Angewandte Informatik-GebäudeDr. Francesca De Falco, University of Plymouth
The role of plastic alternatives and substitutes in the quest to end plastic pollution
In dem Vortrag geht es um Vor- und Nachteile von Materialien, die als Alternativen und Ersatz für herkömmliche Kunststoffe dienen. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf biologisch abbaubaren Kunststoffen und ihren verschiedenen Anwendungsbereichen. Es werden Verfahren und Techniken zur Bewertung ihres Verbleibs in der Umwelt diskutiert, insbesondere das Potenzial von Pyrolyse-Gaschromatographie-Massenspektrometrie (Py-GC-MS) zur Charakterisierung der Zusammensetzung und des Abbaus solcher Materialien. Die Erkenntnisse fließen in die Arbeit des UN Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) ein, das ein internationales Gesetz zur Bekämpfung der Kunststoffverschmutzung gestaltet.
Poster: Link
Link: International Marine Litter Research Unit, University of Plymouth
Host: Prof. Dr. Seema Agarwal, Makromolekulare Chemie II, Universität Bayreuth - 25.06.2024 - Projektbereichstreffen B-ProjekteEinklappen
Montag, 25 Juni 2024
9:00-13.00 CET, Seminarraum S 135, NW IIIProjektbereichstreffen B-Projekte
Verhalten und Migration in und zwischen Umweltkompartimenten
Internes Projekttreffen für Doktoranden und PIs des Projektbereichs B, des S01-Projekts und der Z-Projekte. Die Es wird Präsentationen der Doktoranden zum Projektfortschritt geben und Diskussionen um die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit zwischen allen B-Projekten zu fördern.
Organisation: Projektbereichssprecher Prof. Dr. Stefan Peiffer and Dr. Martin Löder.
- 13.05.2024 - Andreas Thürmer, BASF: Additives as key Elements for reliable application of Polymers Einklappen
Montag, 13. Mai 2024
12:15 Uhr, ZOOM und Hörsaal: H33, Angewandte Informatik-GebäudeAndreas Thürmer, BASF
Additives as key Elements for reliable application of Polymers and their impact on Sustainability
In diesem SFB Mikroplastik Seminar wird Dipl.-Chem. Andreas Thürmer, renommierter Experte auf dem Gebiet der Polymerchemie, Einblick geben in die Welt der Additive. Additive sind Schlüsselverbindungen für die zuverlässige Anwendung von Kunststoffen und beeinflussen auch deren Nachhaltigkeit. Mit seinem Hintergrund in Physikalischer Chemie und Polymerchemie sowie jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung in der Entwicklung von Polymeradditiven bei führenden Unternehmen wie Sandoz, Clariant und jetzt BASF, bringt Herr Thürmer ein reichhaltiges Wissen und praktische Einblicke in den Bereich mit. Sein Vortrag wird Aspekte der Polymerdegradation und Polymerstabilisierung behandeln und ausgewählte Anwendungsbeispiele vorstellen.
Host: Prof. Dr. Holger Ruckdäschel, Polymer Engineering, UBT
- 29.04.2024 - Prof. Dr. Kay Saalwächter: Recent progress in understanding polymer crystallizationEinklappen
Montag, 29. April 2024
12:15 Uhr, ZOOM und Hörsaal: H33, Angewandte Informatik-GebäudeProf. Dr. Kay Saalwächter, Universität Halle
Recent progress in understanding polymer crystallization
The talk will emphasize the role of advanced characterization techniques, in particular solid-state NMR and small-angle X-ray scattering, for elucidating relevant factors for semicrystalline structure formation in polymers. The aim is to elucidate so far underestimated effects, specifically those of entanglements that accumulate in the amorphous phase and of chain diffusion through the crystals that enable lamellar thickening. The main findings have relied on the study of model polymers such as poly(ethylene oxide) and different polyesters. More recent work has focused on co-polyesters and defect-rich polyolefins as well as vitrimers, where the interplay of crystallization with defects and disorder is of interest.
Link: Poster
Host: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Senker, Anorganische Chemie III, UBT - 04.03.2024 - Dr. Inta Dimante-Deimantoviča: Microplastics as stratigraphic and anthropogenic pressure markers – yes or noEinklappen
Montag, 04.März 2024
12:00 Uhr, ZOOM und Hörsaal: H18, NWIIDr. Inta Dimante-Deimantoviča, Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology - LIAE
Microplastics as stratigraphic and anthropogenic pressure markers – yes or no
The plastic pollution has wide occurrence across sedimentary environments of lakes, marine, peat deposits and glaciers, yet the acceptance of microplastics as a stratigraphic marker requires clear characterization of microplastics as a component of sedimentary cycle. We provide evidence of microplastics deposits and sedimentary dynamics from different environmental compartments in the Baltic Region. The presented studies consider microplastics from dated sediment cores and seasonal dispersal in beach sediments.
Link: Research Gate Profil
Link: Poser:
Host: Dr. Martin Löder - 12.02.2024 - Prof. Dr. Denise Mitrano - Embracing ecosystem complexityEinklappen
Montag, 12.Februar 2024
12:00 Uhr, ZOOM und Hörsaal: H18, NWIIProf. Dr. Denise Mitrano, ETH Zürich
Embracing ecosystem complexity to understand the environmental impacts of (nano- and micro)plastics pollution
Numerous studies have made the ubiquitous presence of plastics in the environment undeniable, and thus it is no longer a surprise when researchers measure the accumulation of macroplastic litter and microplastic fragments in both urban and remote sites. Understanding plastics pollution is frequently addressed by enumerating particle burdens through monitoring studies, assessing transport between environmental compartments or as an (eco)toxicological issue. However, fewer studies address the complexities of how the presence of MPs impact natural systems and biogeochemical cycles in a holistic way. In this presentation, I will discuss both analytical method developments to better assess nano- and microplastics fate and transport and biological interactions as well as address indirect impacts of plastics pollution. Some reflections on future policies and regulations may guide us in using plastics more sustainably to reduce the negative impacts of plastics across their entire lifecycle.
Link : Environmental Chemistry of Anthropogenic Materials
Link: Poster
Host: Prof. Dr. Holger Ruckdäschel & Prof. Dr. Christian Laforsch
- 29.01.2024 - Dr. Bernd Reck: Einklappen
Montag, 29.Januar 2024
12:00 Uhr, ZOOM und Hörsaal: H18, NWIIDr. Bernd Reck, Vice President - Head of Research Platform Polymer Colloid Technology, BASF
Polymer Dispersions for Architectural Coatings – Challenges and Opportunities
Aqueous acrylic polymer dispersions find extensive applications in everyday products, including interior and exterior architectural coatings, waterproofing membranes, pressure-sensitive and lamination adhesives, printing inks, and binders for industrial and medical nonwovens. These waterborne binders have effectively replaced solvent-borne resins in various applications while maintaining excellent performance.
In this presentation, we will explore the utilization of acrylic polymer dispersions in architectural coatings and the specific requirements associated with these applications. Understanding the structure-property relationships and the interaction between the dispersion and coating formulation ingredients is crucial for tailoring their properties. We will delve into the influence of stabilization systems, colloidal interactions, coalescence behavior, and chemical crosslinking on the diverse application properties of acrylic latexes.
Significant technological advancements in polymer dispersions over the past few decades have facilitated the development of products that not only exhibit exceptional technical performance but also demonstrate environmentally friendly characteristics. Notable examples include interior coatings that are free from biocides and wood coatings with true one-coat hide properties.
Furthermore, we will address the recent challenge faced by polymer dispersion producers, namely the implications of the new EU Regulation on Synthetic Polymer Microparticles, which came into effect on October 17, 2023.
Link: LinkedIn
Link: Poster
Host: Prof. Dr. Andreas Greiner
- 15.01.2024 - Prof. Dr. Gary Hardiman:Toxicological impacts of micro- & nanoplastics on human and environmental healthEinklappen
Montag, 15.Januar 2024
12:00 Uhr, ZOOM und Hörsaal: H18, NWIIProf. Dr. Gary Hardiman, School of Biological Sciences, Queen's University Belfast
Toxicological impacts of micro- & nanoplastics on human and environmental health – A systems biology approach
One Health is a holistic approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of human, animal, and ecosystem health. Plastic pollution has become a pressing issue, with plastics persisting in the environment and accumulating in various ecosystems, especially in aquatic environments. Microplastics and nanoplastics are enduring pollutants that remain intact in biological systems, potentially leading to bioaccumulation across trophic levels. These micro-nanoplastics (MNPs) have been widely acknowledged for their harmful effects on different biological levels, causing problems such as digestive tract blockage, energy depletion, inflammation, developmental defects, and behavioral changes. The leaching of chemical additives from plastics also poses risks to human and environmental health. We are undertaking a systems biology approach to study the toxicological impacts of MNPs, considering genes, proteins, metabolites, and cells, as well as organs, organisms, and populations. Marine species that ingest varying levels of plastic serve as valuable models for studying real-world plastic impacts. Abundant seabirds and the common marine hermit crab are examples of sentinel species we have used for monitoring plastic exposure effects. Humans primarily encounter MNPs through food and food packaging, potentially through inhalation. Chronic MNP exposure may lead to cumulative and long-term health effects, including inflammation, oxidative stress, lysosomal dysfunction, mitochondrial dysfunction, autophagy, apoptosis, and genotoxicity. Evidence from cell screening studies suggests that the aggregation of MNPs within living organisms can have negative long-term consequences. Addressing these issues is crucial for safeguarding the health of humans, animals, and ecosystems in the context of the One Health paradigm.
Link to Homepage: Prof. Dr. Gary Hardiman
Link: Poster
Host: Prof. Dr. Christian Laforsch - 18.12.2023 - Prof. Dr. Jörg Matysik:Enzymatic PET degradationEinklappen
Montag, 18.Dezember 2023
16:00 Uhr, ZOOM und Hörsaal: H18, NWII, *Weihnachtsseminar*Prof. Dr. Jörg Matysik, Analytische Chemie - Molekülspektrokopie, Universität Leipzig
Enzymatic PET degradation
Aspects of the toxicity of PET nanoparticles, the molecular mechanism of its enzymatic degradation and the biotechnological recycling of PET.
Link zur Forschung: Prof. Dr. Jörg Matysik
Link: Poster
Host: Prof. Dr. Jürgen SenkerFür die Preisverleihung und das X-Mas Get-Together melden Sie sich bitte hier an.
- 04.12.2023 - Prof. Dr. Marie Sofie Møller: PET degradation by enzymes – impact and engineering of protein-surface interactionsEinklappen
Montag, 04.Dezember 2023
12:00 Uhr, ZOOM und Hörsaal: H18, NWIIProf. Dr. Marie Sofie Møller, Protein Chemistry and Enzyme Technology, Technical University of Denmark
PET degradation by enzymes – impact and engineering of protein-surface interactions
Plastic-degrading enzymes have garnered increasing attention over the past decade as potential tools for addressing plastic waste recycling challenges. However, their efficiency in industrial applications is generally limited. A key issue is that these enzymes have not evolved to interact specifically with plastic. While many proteins tend to adhere nonspecifically to plastics, enzymes must establish precise and productive binding interactions. This specificity is essential to allow the enzyme's active site to engage with the substrate while permitting its subsequent detachment from the surface. To overcome this challenge, we explore the utilization of natural protein modules, which nature employs to facilitate interactions between enzymes and recalcitrant polysaccharides such as cellulose, starch, and chitin. Although a handful of these modules have shown promise in binding to plastic substrates, this binding diversity has not yet undergone systematic investigation. We employ a diverse array of methods to elucidate the molecular mechanisms governing these interactions: pull-down assays (high-throughput setup), enzymatic assays, NMR spectroscopy, and newly developed microscopy methods.
Link to Homepage: Prof. Dr. Marie Sofie Moller
Link: Poster
Host: Prof. Dr. Birte Höcker - 20.11.2023 - Dr. Scott Coffin: Advancing Research and Regulations to Mitigate Impacts of MicroplasticsEinklappen
Montag, 20.November 2023
12:00 Uhr, ZOOM und Hörsaal: H18, NWIIDr. Scott Coffin, California State Water Resources Control Board
Advancing Research and Regulations to Mitigate Impacts of Microplastics
Research on microplastics has increased exponentially in recent years, however translation of studies and data into knowledge that's useful for management requires clear communication between the scientific and management communities. Recent government mandates to manage impacts of microplastics prompted rapid development of tools and methods for identifying and assessing risks, monitoring their occurrence, and modelling their transport. Despite these remarkable scientific advances, additional research is needed to overcome barriers preventing the full emergence of microplastics as a regulated contaminant suite. This talk provides critical insights from both scientific and regulatory perspectives regarding recent advances in the field and recommends a path forward to overcome these barriers.
Homepage: California Water Boards
Link: Poster
Host: Dr. Magdalena Mair - 06.11.2023 - Dr. Katharina Ruthsatz: Life in plastic, it's not fantastic? Einklappen
Montag, 06.November 2023
12:00 Uhr, ZOOM und Hörsaal: H18, NWIIDr. Katharina Ruthsatz, Evolutionsbiologie, TU Braunschweig
Life in plastic, it's not fantastic? Effects of microplastics pollution throughout amphibian metamorphosis
Microplastics (MP) are one of the fastest-growing sources of environmental pollution due to the increase in plastic consumption and a poor plastic waste management. In living systems, MP ingestion can trigger a variety of harmful effects on digestive, endocrine, and nervous systems which might ultimately impair all vital rates. MP can also be accumulated and transferred through the food chain. Considering that amphibian population declines are at the forefront of the biodiversity crisis, understanding the toxicological risks posed by MP to amphibians is a highly important research topic for their conservation. However, such risks are still mostly unknown for amphibians. Using the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) as a model species, we explored the toxicity of MP pollution in amphibian. In particular, we investigated whether polyethylene MP ingestion affects amphibian growth and development and leads to metabolic changes across two consecutive life stages (larvae and juveniles). Furthermore, we assessed MP accumulation in the body at both life stages. Our results provide first insights into the sublethal effects of MP on amphibians throughout metamorphosis as well as its potential to be ontogenetically transferred, and we demonstrate a possible coping mechanism with the nutritional repercussions accompanying MP ingestion through a plastic response in intestinal morphology.
Link to Homepage: Dr. Katharina Ruthsatz
Link: Poster
Host: Prof. Dr. Heike Feldhaar
- 26.06.2023 - Prof. Dr. Alexander Steinbüchel: Postsynthetic Modifications of BiopolymersEinklappen
Montag, 26. June 2023
16:15, ZOOM und Hörsaal: H18, NWII
Prof. Dr. Alexander Steinbüchel, Institut für Molekulare Mikrobiologie u. Biotechnologie, Universität Münster
Postsynthetic Modifications of Biopolymers
Biopolymers are usually produced by fermentation of microorganisms and they are also produced or collected from plants and animals. These polymers comprise an abundant variety like cyanophycin (a storage compound occurring in cyanobacteria and others), polyisoprenoids (a typical plant polymer) and polyesters (a storage compound in many bacteria) top mention only a few examples. Our research aims at the enzymatic as well as chemical modifications of various polymers in order to widen this variety for novel biomaterials.
Link zur Arbeitsgruppe: Steinbüchel Lab
Link: Poster
Host: Prof. Dr. Andreas Greiner
- 12.06.2023 - Dr. Patrizia Pfohl: Aging of intentionally Produced Microplastic Particles for Innovative ApplicationsEinklappen
Montag, 12. June 2023
16:15, ZOOM und Hörsaal: H18, NWII
Dr. Patrizia Pfohl, Colloid Science & Materials Properties, Microplastics & Nanomaterials, BASF SE
Aging of Intentionally Produced Microplastic Particles for Innovative Applications
Microplastics are ubiquitous in the environment, but their fragmentation and degradation mechanisms are not fully understood, although essential to estimate their fate and impacts. Industry has a responsibility to develop polymers that fit into a sustainable circular economy, so we aim to fill knowledge gaps regarding degradation and fragmentation processes of microplastics in different environmental compartments with the aid of appropriate laboratory set-ups for experimental reproducibility and environmental relevance. To investigate partially biodegraded microplastics occurring in complex environmental matrices, non-destructive extraction protocols with extensive controls are needed to assure particle and polymer stability, homogeneous sampling and appropriate recovery. We did biodegradation tests in combination with the developed extraction protocol for polyurethane (PU) microplastics to reveal which chemical design is needed to improve biodegradability of PU microplastics in the environment. In addition to that we developed an adapted NanoRelease protocol to investigate dry UV aging of polyamide and PU microplastics, as well as the release of micro- and nanoplastic fragments and water-soluble organics. In both studies, microplastic degradation resulted in fragmentation, but degradation strongly depends on the polymer composition and the environmental stresses. Overall, we want to underline the importance of quality control by reference materials used for spiking, extraction efficiency, and systematic comparison against blank controls for microplastic aging, extraction, harmonized data report and analysis.
LinkedIn Profile: Dr. Patrizia Pfohl
Link: Poster
Host: Prof. Dr. Holger Ruckdäschel
- 15.05.2023 - Prof. Markus Biesalski:Tailor-made functional papers – a complex low-cost material in high-tech applicationsEinklappen
Montag, 15. Mai 2023
16:15, ZOOM und Hörsaal: H18, NWIIProf. Dr. Markus Biesalski, Macromolecular Chemistry and Paper Chemistry
Tailor-made functional papers – a complex low-cost material in high-tech applications
Paper has been known for thousands of years for its unique profile of properties: bendable & foldable, high mechanical strength, and its pore structure enabling pump-free fluid transport. Its production and recycling can nowadays be seen as technologically well-optimized. It has an environmentally friendly image and fosters the growing desire of the public for sustainable materials solutions. Despite its classical applications as print, packaging and hygiene paper, it has been in focus for several years in very challenging areas, e.g. in lateral flow tests (LFT), light-weight construction materials (e.g. as a honeycomb core in door leaves or shelves), as well as most recently in paper-based packaging as well as paper-based soft robotics. In this talk I will introduce our recent efforts in understanding and tailoring paper properties by controlled functionalization of the fiber and paper-sheet interfaces. Examples progress from the use of functional wax-polymer coatings to modulate barrier properties to cross-linking of polymers with paper fibers to introduce wet-strength properties in a sustainable fashion and the spatial control of interfacial attachment of polymers inside paper to gain 4D paper-based actuators.
Link to Homepage: Prof. Dr. Markus Biesalski
Link: Poster
- 30.01.2023 - Dr. Sonja Oberbeckmann: The microplastic microbiomeEinklappen
Montag, 30. Januar 2023
16:15, ZOOM und Hörsaal: H18, NWIIDr. Sonja Oberbeckmann, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Rostock
The microplastic microbiome
Microplastics in the ocean are readily colonized by a broad range of microorganisms. The talk will cover which microorganisms use microplastics as a habitat, how environmental factors drive this colonization, and why biodegradation of plastic in the marine system is overall an unlikely process. We will also discuss whether potentially pathogenic microorganisms are hitchhiking on microplastics. Finally, potential ecological consequences of the microplastic-microbiome-interactions will be presented.
Link to Homepage: Dr. Sonja Oberbeckmann
Link: Poster - 19.12.2022 - Insights SFB 1357 Mikroplastik: C-ProjekteEinklappen
Montag, 19. Dezember 2022
16:15, ZOOM und Hörsaal: H18, NWIIInsights SFB 1357 Mikroplastik: Entstehung und Abbau von Mikroplastik unter simulierten Umwelteinflüssen und Einfluss mikrobieller Diversität und Biofilmbildung auf Abbaumechanismen von Mikroplastik-Partikeln in der Umwelt
Die SFB 1357 Teams des Projekts C01, Teresa Menzel, Nora Meides und Anika Mauel sowie des Teams C04 Gerasimos Gkoutselis und Stephan Rohrbach geben Einblicke in ihre Mikroplastikforschung. Sind Kunststoffe bzw. Mirkoplastikpartikel unserer Umwelt, sind sie dort verschiedensten Einflüssen ausgesetzt wie Sonnenstrahlung, mechanischer Belastung, Biofilmbildung und den mikrobiellen Lebensgemeinschaften in Gewässern und Böden. Wie entsteht aus Makroplastik eigentlich Mikroplastik und wird die Plastisphäre von Pilzen als neuer Lebensraum erschlossen? Wir sind gepsannt was die Promovierenden berichten! - 12.12.2022 - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Josef Endres: Closing the gap between laboratory and field testsEinklappen
Montag, 12. Dezember 2022
16:15, ZOOM und Hörsaal: H18, NWIIProf. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Josef Endres, Leiter Institut für Kunststoff- und Kreislauftechnik, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Closing the gap between laboratory and field tests to investigate the aquatic degradability of plastics
Der Vortrag beschäftigt sich mit der Frage wie zur Untersuchung der aquatischen Abbaubarkeit von Kunststoffen die Lücke zwischen Labortests und realen Umweltbedingungen geschlossen werden kann. In diesem Kontext werden die zugehörigen technischen Ansätze (z.B. „Wippschüttler“, MikroCT) sowie erste Ergebnisse daraus dargestellt. Übergeordnetes Ziel ist ein verbessertes Verständnis der Zusammenhänge zwischen den Abbauvorgängen (Mechanismen, Kinetik, Halbwertszeit), den Umgebungsbedingungen (Sauerstoffverfügbarkeit, Temperatur, Salzgehalt, Lichteinstrahlung, Zeit) und den Material-parameter (Molekülaufbau, Mikrostruktur, spezifische Oberfläche) zur spezifisch Entwicklung aquatisch abbaubarer Biokunststoffe.
Link to Homepage: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Josef Endres
Link: Poster - 05.12.2022- Prof. Dr. Nelson Odume: How should we consider the role of hydraulic habitats and traits Einklappen
How should we consider the role of hydraulic habitats and traits in the study of the distribution and effects of microplastics in riverine systems?
Prof. Dr. Nelson Odume, Institute for Water Research at Rhodes University, South Africa
Macroinvertebrates, through their trait are adapted to different hydraulic habitats, which may impose on them different levels of exposure to MPs in the sink and flush zones. Drawing on the habitat template concept, and principles of hydro-geomorphology, this talk shed light on the role of hydraulic habitats in the distribution and transport of MPs, and why it is important to consider this important dimension in the ecological study of MPs. This talk also provides insights into how traits may mediate organismal exposure to MPs at the reach scale.
Link to Homepage: Prof. Dr. Nelson Odum
Link: Poster
- 25.07.2022 - Prof. Peter Fiener: Arable soils - a leaking sink of microplastic?Einklappen
Monday, 25. Juli 2022
16:00, Virtual ZOOM or H18, NWIIProf. Dr. Peter Fiener, Water and Soil Resource Research, University Augsburg
Coordinator of the EU Innovative Training Network ‘Macro and micro plastic in agricultural soil systems (SOPLAS)'Arable soils - a leaking sink of microplastic?
This talk will focus on the potential importance of surface runoff and soil erosion as long-lasting pathway of microplastic from arable soils to inland waters. It will be subdivided into a general introduction regarding the challenges in dealing with soil and microplastic erosion on larger scales and will present original research comprising microplastic erosion process studies as well as first modelling approaches quantifying the erosion transport pathway in a mesoscale catchment. The latter underpins that even if the microplastic input to arable soils could be regulated today, soils would remain a diffuse microplastic source for inland waters for centuries
Link to Homepage: Peter Fiener
Link: Poster - 13.06.2022 - Prof. Dr. Bernd Nowack - Modeling the release of plastic and microplastic to the environmentEinklappen
Montag, 13. Juni 2022
16:00, Virtual ZOOM und H18, NWIIProf. Dr. Bernd Nowack, Environmental Risk Assessment and Management Group, EMPA, ETH Zürich
Modeling the release of plastic and microplastic to the environment
There is still a lot of uncertainty about the quantity and main sources of plastic emissions to the environment. This presentation shows how a combined (dynamic) material flow and release modeling can be used to quantify the current and historic releases of macro- and microplastics to the environment. A polymer-specific approach is needed as large differences between the released amounts and the receiving compartments exists.
Link to Homepage: Bernd Nowack
Link: Posterankündigung - 16.05.2022 - Insights SFB 1357 Mikroplastik: B-ProjekteEinklappen
Montag, 16. May 2022
16:00, H33, AI und ZoomInsights SFB 1357 Mikroplastik: Nachverfolgung des Mikroplastik-Transports auf der Bodenoberfläche und an der Wasser-Sediment Grenze
Die SFB 1357-Mitglieder Jan-Pascal Boos und Hannes Laermanns geben Einblicke in die aktuelle Mikroplastikforschung. Mikroplastik ist in der Umwelt allgegenwärtig. Da sich die Eigenschaften von Mikroplastikpartikeln erheblich von natürlichen Sedimenten unterscheiden können, ist wenig über die spezifischen Transportmechanismen bekannt, die für die Verteilung von anthropogenen Quellen zu natürlichen Senken verantwortlich sind. Wir stellen zwei Ansätze vor, um den Transport von unbelastetem und bioverschmutztem fluoreszierendem Mikroplastik in zwei verschiedenen Systemen zu verfolgen: An der Wasser-Sediment-Grenze in einer Versuchsrinne und während des Abflusses in einem Laboraufbau und mit Computersimulationen.
Link to Homepage: Hannes Laermanns
Link to Homepage: Jan-Pascal Boos
Link: Posterankündigung - 9.05.2022 - Dr.-Ing. Kryss Waldschläger: Diverse microplastics and where to find themEinklappen
Montag, 9. Mai 2022
16:00, H33, AI und ZoomDr.-Ing. Kryss Waldschläger, Assistant Professor for Fluid Mechanics at Hydrology and Quantitative Water Management Group, Wageningen University
Diverse microplastics and where to find them: Learning from natural sediment to tackle microplastic challenges
Although our knowledge of microplastics is rapidly increasing, we still have difficulties in describing these diverse particles and in understanding the basic transport processes of microplastics in the aquatic environment. However, research on natural sediments offers many approaches that can be applied or adapted to microplastics. This presentation will show what we can learn from natural sediments when it comes to particle and transport description and where we need to focus our efforts in the future.
Link to Homepage: Kryss Waldschläger
Link: Posterankündigung - 04.04.2022 -SFB 1357 Insights Seminar Matthias Völkl & Simon Wieland: Mikroplastik ist nicht MikroplastikEinklappen
Montag, 04. April 2022
16:00, H33, AI und ZoomInsights SFB 1357 Mikroplastik: Mikroplastik ist nicht Mikroplastik -
Wenn Partikeleigenschaften über die biologische Wirkung entscheidenDie SFB 1357 Doktoranden Matthias Völkl und Simon Wieland geben Einblicke in die aktuelle Mikroplastikforschung. Warum ist Mikroplastik nicht gleich Mikroplastik? Wann gefährden eingeatmete Mikropartikel unsere Gesundheit? Was unterscheidet sie von anderen Partikeln? Zwei aktuelle Publikationen im Journal of Hazardous Materials widmen sich genau diesen beiden Fragen. Die beiden Doktoranden bieten exklusive Einblicke in die interdisziplinäre Forschung am SFB 1357 Mikroplastik.
- Link: Poster
- Pressemitteilung UBT: From properties to toxicity: comparing microplastics to other airborne microparticles
- Open Access Original Article: From properties to toxicity: comparing microplastics to other airborne microparticles
- Pressemitteilung UB: Supposedly identical microplastic particles substantially differ in their material
- Open Access Original Article: Supposedly identical microplastic particles substantially differ in their material
- Link: Poster
- 21.02.2022 - Prof. Silke Christiansen: From macro- to nano-plastics Einklappen
Montag, 21. Februar 2022
16:00 Uhr, Virtual ZOOM und H33, AIProf. Dr. Silke Christiansen, Fraunhofer IKTS, Department: Korrelative Mikroskopie und Materialdaten
From macro- to nano-plastics - Scale bridging analytics with microscopies and spectroscopies in various matrices and preparative workflows
In her talk, Prof. Christiansen will specify the challenges of scale-bridging analytics, in particular when identifying individual, identical M/NPs in various analytical techniques is required to truly correlate various physical and chemical properties at particle level. She will moreover demonstrate the strengths of scale-bridging analytics and will introduce the nanoGPS technology as an enabler of this multi-modal analytics correlation at single particle level. Application examples from M/NPs in filters from mineral water as well as in tissue of marine animals and human derived cells will be shown.
Link to Homepage: Silke Christiansen
Link: Poster - 24.01.2022 - Prof. Dr. Thilo Hofmann: Nanotechnology, Nangeosciences, Nanoplastics:Similarities and PerspectivesEinklappen
Montag, 24.Januar 2022
Nanotechnology, Nanogeosciences, Nanoplastics: Similarities and Perspectives
Prof. Dr. Thilo Hofmann, Environmental Geosciences, Universität WienHoffmann´s talk will address natural (NPs), engineered (ENPs) and microplastic (nano)particles (MPs) and specific aspects concerning the detection and prediction of nanoparticle fate. It will focus on new analytical concepts and “old” knowledge from nanogeoscience, which might be of importance for MPs research and the use of nanotechnology in the field of plant agriculture.
Link to Homepage: Thilo Hoffmann
Link: Poster
- 13.12.2021 - Prof. Dr. Martin Koch: Spectroscopic Detection of MicroplasticsEinklappen
Montag, 13. Dezember 2021
Spectroscopic Detection of Microplastics
Prof. Dr. Martin Koch, Halbleiterphotonik, Philipps Universität MarburgSeveral different spectroscopic methods exist to distinguish microplastics particles and natural materials typically found in the environment. We discuss the operation principles and the advantages and drawbacks of these different methods.
Link to Homepage: Martin Koch
Link: Posterankündigung - 15.11.2021 - Prof. Dr. Anke Nölscher: Assessing origin and fate of airborne (microplastic) particlesEinklappen
Montag, 15. November 2021
Assessing origin and fate of airborne (microplastic) particles via molecular-level composition analysis
Prof. Dr. Anke Nölscher, Atmosphärische Chemie, Universität BayreuthThe chemical composition of airborne particles can aid to diagnose their origin, atmospheric age and impact on air quality, weather and climate. This seminar talk will highlight the potential of a molecular-level composition analysis for studying sources and impact of (microplastic) particles in the atmosphere
Link to Homepage: Anke Nölscher
Link: Posterankündigung - 08.11.2021 - Prof. Iseult Lynch: Microplastics interactions with biomolecules and daphnidsEinklappen
Montag, 08. November 2021
Microplastics interactions with biomolecules and daphnids
Prof. Dr. Iseult Lynch, Environmental Nanosciences, University of BirminghamThe talk will present some of our work on understanding the interactions of Microplastics with Daphnia magna, a key indicator species for pollution, including the importance of mode of dispersion, impacts of medium composition, and role of the acquired biomolecule corona in mediating ingestion and retention of microplastics and co-pollutants such as triclosan (a representative antibacterial found in handwashes) and diclofenac (an exemplar pharmaceutical).
Link to Homepage: Iseult Lynch
Link: Posterankündigung - 25.10.2021 - Prof. Dr. Andrea Haase: Possibilities to group micro- and nanoplastic particlesEinklappen
Montag, 25.Oktober 2021
Possibilities to group micro- and nanoplastic particles:
Insights from the perspective of the BMBF project InnoMat.Life
PD Dr. Andrea Haase, Abteilung Chemikalien- und Produktsicherheit, Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BfR)Compared to grouping of conventional substances or nanomaterials, establishing grouping approaches for micro- and nanoscaled plastic particles (MNPs) is much more challenging. The description of the chemical composition is more complicated for polymers and these particles are inherently heterogenous in many key properties.
This talk will provide an overview on the experimental work conducted within the InnoMat.Life consortium (www.innomatlife.de) to challenge possible grouping criteria using a variety of selected MNPs including several types of polyethylene, polyamide, polyurethane, polymethyl methacrylate and a rubber material obtained from recycled truck tires. As potential grouping criteria we assessed, among others, surface reactivity and biological effects considering human and environmental model systems, transport of different environmental contaminants, sedimentation and flotation behavior as well as ageing and fragmentation rates.
Based on our current data first conclusions concerning suitable approaches and criteria for grouping of different MNPs are possible. Our work is important for developing approaches to assess risks for human health and the environment.
Link to Homepage: Chemicals and Product Safety, BfR
Link: Posterankündigung - 04.10.2021 - Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schwaneberg: Protein Engineering for Plastic ManagementEinklappen
Montag 4.Oktober 20021
Protein Engineering for Plastic Management
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schwaneberg, Biotechnologie, RWTH Aachen
Plastics production reached ~370 million tons worldwide and our environment is massively contaminated with plastic waste. Microplastic contaminations alone are estimated to be in total 1.8-5.0 Mio tons with a yearly increase of 42 000 t (source European Chemical Agency; ECHA). Microplastic-particles can still be found in daily-used products such as cosmetics, cleaning/laundry products, and fertilizers. Based on bioaccumulation studies of Microplastic-particles the ECHA recommends wide-ranging restrictions on Microplastic in products to ensure human and environmental health. This ‘ban on microplastic’ is expected to be adopted into EU legislation till 2022, however, so far no ‘holy grail’ analytics has been developed to enable material-specific quantification of Microplastic-particles in high-throughput. In the presentation I will outline the advancement that we have achieved in designing by material-specific binding through protein engineering methodologies and their application in microplastic quantification and degradation.Link zur Homepage: Ulrich Schwaneberg
Link: Posterankündigung - 27.09.2021 - SFB1357 Klausurtagung 2021Einklappen
27-29.Juli 2021
Hotel The Monarch, Bad Gögging
SFB 1357 Klausurtagung, Interne SFB Veranstaltung - 19.07.2021 - Dr. Dirk Broßell: Assessment of health risks of high aspect ratio materials (HARM)Einklappen
Montag, 19.Juli 2021
17:00 Uhr, Virtual Seminar (ZOOM)Assessment of health risks of high aspect ratio materials: New techniques for material control and testing
Dr. Dirk Broßell, Partikelförmige Gefahrstoffe, BAuA, DortmundDust of high aspect ratio materials (HARM) can be hazardous to human health when inhaled. The classical fibre pathogenicity paradigm (FPP) predicts a carcinogenic potential in humans for inhalable biodurable fibres. Innovative testing methods and the availability of materials with narrow diameter distributions like carbon nanotubes and synthetic polymer fibres will and have already contribute(d) to a better understanding of the underlying pathomechanical cell effects that motivate a revision and extension of the FPP. Apart from implementing appropiate safety measures for workers, risk prediction enables the identification of parameters for designing and manufacturing safer HARM.
Link to Homepage: Fachgruppe 4.5 Partikelförmige Gefahrstoffe und Innovative Materialien
- 28.06.2021 - Dr. Elke Brandes: Modelling microplastic input into agricultural soils -first results and a perspectiveEinklappen
Montag, 28. Juni 2021
17:00 Uhr, Virtual Seminar (ZOOM)Modelling microplastic input into agricultural soils – first results and a perspective
Dr. Elke Brandes, Institut für Ländliche Räume, Thünen-Insitut, BraunschweigIn both science and society, agriculture has been featuring prominently as an emitter of microplastics into soils, but its relevance compared with other sources (industry, littering, etc.) remains largely unknown. The talk will include some spatially explicit modelling results of MP emission distributions from the BMBF funded projects PLAWES and MicroCatch_Balt, and discuss these in context with the whole transport pathway chain from terrestrial to marine environments. It will also highlight the importance of multi-scale modelling approaches towards a holistic understanding as a basis for political decision-making.
Posterankündigung: SFB 1357 Seminar Dr. Elke Brandes
Link zur Homepage: Elke Brandes - 14.06.2021 - Prof. Marcus Halik: Nano - and Microplastics, Oil or Toxins - how Smart Rust can clean up our waterEinklappen
Montag,14.Juni 2021
17:00 Uhr, Virtual Seminar (ZOOM)Nano- and Microplastics, Oil or Toxins – how Smart Rust can clean up our water
Prof. Dr. Marcus Halik, Organic Materials & Devices, Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen - NürnbergChemically surface-functionalized SuperParamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (SPIONs) – or smart rust – serve excellent vehicles to attract water contaminants and to allow a simple magnetic remediation of such loaded SPIONs. The surfaces of SPIONs matters in order to achieve magnetic responsive sorbents to collect efficiently different brands of nano/microplastics, different liquid hydrocarbons (oil) or special contaminants (PCBs, glyphosate). An overview of recent developments will be presented.
Posterankündiung: SFB 1357 Seminar Prof. Marcus Halik
Link zur Homepage: Marcus Halik - 24.02.2020 - Dr. Lars Dähne: Synthesis of functionalized, monodisperse microparticles from different plastic materialsEinklappen
Montag, 24. Februar 2020
17:00 Uhr, NWIII, H36
Synthesis of functionalized, monodisperse microparticles from different plastic materials
Dr. habil Lars Dähne, Surflay Nanotec GmbH, BerlinLink zu Homepage: Surflay
Öffentliches Seminar - Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen!
- 03.02.2020 - Prof. Matthias Rillig: Microplastic effects in terrestrial ecosystemsEinklappen
Montag, 03. Februar 2020
17:00 Uhr, NWIII, H36Microplastic in terrestrial ecosystems
Prof. Dr. Matthias Rillig, Plant Ecology, Freie Universität Berlin
Microplastic effects have only relatively recently become a concern in terrestrial ecosystems, with research having initially focused on aquatic systems. In this talk I discuss the role of microplastic as a global change factor affecting soils and plants.Link zu Homepage: Prof. Rillig
Ankündigung: PosterÖffentliches Seminar - Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen!
- 27.01.2020 - Prof. Marco Beeken: WissenschaftskommunikationEinklappen
Montag, 27. Januar 2020
17:00 Uhr, NWIII, H36Wissenschaftskommunikation: Nachhaltigkeit und Mikroplastik
Prof. Dr. Marco Beeken, Didaktik der Chemie, Universität OsnabrückDie Themen Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit werden im Moment intensiv in der Gesellschaft, den Medien, der Wissenschaft und der Politik diskutiert. Auch wenn das allgemeine Interesse groß ist stellt man fest das viele Bürger, Journalisten und Politiker oft weniger gut informiert sind, wenn es um Details geht.
Eine wichtige Rolle in der Informationsweitergabe an die Gesellschaft, Medien und Politik spielt die Wissenschaftskommunikation. In diesem Vortrag werden theoretische Grundlagen der Wissenschaftskommunikation am Beispiel von Mikroplastik präsentiert, spezifische Veranstaltungsformate und deren Ergebnisse (Wirkung) vorgestellt.Link zu Homepage: Prof. Beeken
Ankündigung: PosterÖffentliches Seminar - Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen!
- 18.12.2019 - Prof. Stefan Mecking: Towards non-persistent polyethylene-like materials by polymerization catalysis methodsEinklappen
Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2019
16:15 Uhr, NWI, H11Towards non-persistent polyethylene-like materials by polymerization catalysis methods
Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecking, Chemische Materialwissenschaften, Universität KonstanzPolyethylene is the most important plastic with excellent materials properties due to its crystallinity, yet it is persistent in a natural environment. We pursue approaches to endow polyethylene-like materials with a non-persistent nature by introducing low densities of functional groups as break points in the chain. Key are polymerization catalysis methods that are compatible with such functional groups. These also provide access to unique polymer micro- and nanoparticles for studies of the fate of microplastics in the environment.
Link zu Homepage: Prof. Mecking
Ankündigung: Poster
Öffentliches Seminar - Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen!
- 11.12.2019 - SFB-internes SeminarEinklappen
Mittwoch, 11. Dezember 2019
16:15 Uhr, NWI, H11Prof. Dr. Eva Lehndorff, Bodenökologie, Universität Bayreuth
Prof. Dr. Tillmann Lüders, Ökologische Mikrobiologie, Universität BayreuthSFB-internes Seminar für Teilprojektleitende und Promovierende.
- 04.12.2019 - Dr. Michael Sander: Polymers in the underground: on the biodegradation of synthetic polyesters in soilsEinklappen
Mittwoch, 04. Dezember 2019, 16:15 Uhr, NWI, H11
Polymers in the underground: on the biodegradation of synthetic polyesters in soils
Dr. Michael Sander, Department of Environmental Systems Science, ETH Zürich"Biodegradable plastics have been heavily used in agricultural applications for years, while the biodegradation of these materials in soils remained poorly understood on a fundamental level. This contribution will present highlights on our past and ongoing work on the key steps involved in polyester biodegradation in soils: microbial polymer surface colonisation, polyester hydrolysis by extracellular microbial esterases, and the microbial utilisation of polyester hydrolysis products. The talk will also summarise remaining knowledge gaps on polyester biodegradation in soils and present some ideas of how these can be addressed."
Link zu Homepage: Dr. Sander
Ankündigung: Poster
Öffentliches Seminar - Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen!
- 27.11.2019 - Prof. Wolfgang Streit: Microbial Degradation of Plastics: Searching the Needle in the HaystackEinklappen
Mittwoch, 27. November 2019
16:15 Uhr, NWI, H11Microbial Degradation of Plastics: Searching the Needle in the Haystack
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Streit, Mikrobiologie und Biotechnologie, Universität Hamburg"Bacteria as plastic waste disposal? Will microorganisms be able to eat microplastics in the future and thus remove them from the environment? What is behind the microorganisms, what effect they have and what opportunities there are for the reduction of nano- and microplastics will be explained here. Further I will address our latest attempts to identify plastic-degrading enzymes and bacteria by mining global metagenomes."
Link zu Homepage: Prof. Streit
Ankündigung: Poster
Öffentliches Seminar - Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen!
- 06.02.2019 - Prof. Ariel Kushmaro: Microplastic, polyethylene biodegradation and the role of copper-binding enzymesEinklappen
Mittwoch, 06. Februar 2019
Microplastic, polyethylene biodegradation and the role of copper-binding enzymes (laccase)
Prof. Dr. Ariel Kushmaro, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel