Team > Thomas Steiner

C05: Degradation and behaviour of plastics and microplastic particles in technical systems of water and waste management
PhD Candidate Process Biotechnology | Supervisor Prof. Dr. Ruth Freitag
M. Sc. in Biotechnology

C05: Degradation and behaviour of plastics and microplastic particles in technical systems of water and waste management
Investigation of formation of microplastics in technical plants like waste water treatment systems, biogas and composting plants.
Keywords: Biofilms, Evironmental Engineering, Biogas, Compost, Biotechnology

C05: Degradation and behaviour of plastics and microplastic particles in technical systems of water and waste management
Steiner, Thomas; Leitner, Lisa-Cathrin; Zhang, Yuanhu; Möller, Julia N.; Löder, Martin G. J.; Greiner, Andreas; Laforsch, Christian; Freitag, Ruth
Detection and specific chemical identification of submillimeter plastic fragments in complex ma ...
In: Scientific Reports Bd. 14 (2024)
doi:10.1038/s41598-024-51185-6 ...
Leitner, Lisa-Cathrin; Schneider, Rika; Steiner, Thomas; Stenzel, Martina H.; Freitag, Ruth; Greiner, Andreas
Efficient Synthesis and Wetting Characteristics of Amphiphilic Galactose-PLA Block Copolymers : ...
In: Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics Bd. 224 (2023) Heft 1
doi:10.1002/macp.202100431 ...
Steiner, Thomas; Möller, Julia N.; Löder, Martin G. J.; Hilbrig, Frank; Laforsch, Christian; Freitag, Ruth
Microplastic Contamination of Composts and Liquid Fertilizers from Municipal Biowaste Treatment ...
In: Waste and Biomass Valorization Bd. 14 (2023) . - S. 873-887
doi:10.1007/s12649-022-01870-2 ...
Schöpfer, Lion; Möller, Julia N.; Steiner, Thomas; Schnepf, Uwe; Marhan, Sven; Resch, Julia; Bayha, Ansilla; Löder, Martin G. J.; Freitag, Ruth; Brümmer, Franz; Laforsch, Christian; Streck, Thilo; Forberger, Jens; Kranert, Martin; Kandeler, Ellen; Pagel, Holger
Microplastics persist in an arable soil but do not affect soil microbial biomass, enzyme activi ...
In: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science Bd. 185 (2022) Heft 6. - S. 836-849
doi:10.1002/jpln.202200062 ...
Steiner, Thomas; Zhang, Yuanhu; Möller, Julia N.; Agarwal, Seema; Löder, Martin G. J.; Greiner, Andreas; Laforsch, Christian; Freitag, Ruth
Municipal biowaste treatment plants contribute to the contamination of the environment with res ...
In: Scientific Reports Bd. 12 (2022)
doi:10.1038/s41598-022-12912-z ...

C05: Degradation and behaviour of plastics and microplastic particles in technical systems of water and waste management
Thomas Steiner
PhD Candidate Process Biotechnology | Supervisor Prof. Dr. Ruth Freitag
FAN-D, 2.19
Universität Bayreuth
Universitätsstr. 30
95440 Bayreuth