Team > Lena Wilde

A01: Effects of microparticles on aquatic model macrofauna depending on particle properties: Comparison of microplastics to natural particles
PhD Candidate Proteomics Group | Supervisor Dr. Thomas Fröhlich
Master in Geo - and Paleobiology
Lena Wilde, Doktorandin am Genzentrum der LMU München in der Arbeitsgruppe von Dr. Thomas Fröhlich, gibt Einblick in Ihre Arbeit mit Wasserflöhen und erzählt was Sie am gemeinsamen forschen in einem Sonderforschungsbereich besonders spannend findet.

A01: Effects of microparticles on aquatic model macrofauna depending on particle properties: Comparison of microplastics to natural particles
Proteomic analysis of several aquatic model organisms exposed to different microplastic particles
Keywords: Proteomics, Mass spectrometry, Daphnia, Microplastic

A01: Effects of microparticles on aquatic model macrofauna depending on particle properties: Comparison of microplastics to natural particles
Lena Wilde
PhD Candidate Protemics Group | Supervisor Dr. Thomas Fröhlich
LMU Munich
Gene Center
Telefon: (0)89 2180-76699
Homepage: Gehe zu: Genzentrum München