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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Sonderforschungsbereich 1357 Mikroplastik

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Team > Éverton Souza da Silva

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Éverton Souza da Silva Éverton Souza da Silva
Éverton Souza da Silva

S01, Prediction of the toxicity and assessment of the environmental risk of microplastic particles based on their properties | Supervisor Dr. Magdalena Mair

PhD Candidate Junior Research Group Statistical Ecotoxicology | Supervisor: Dr. Magdalena Mair

M.Sc. in Global Change Ecology, University of Bayreuth

Éverton Souza da Silva

S01, Prediction of the toxicity and assessment of the environmental risk of microplastic particles based on their properties | Supervisor Dr. Magdalena Mair

Development of machine learning assisted high-throughput experiments and trait-based prediction of microplastic toxicity to terrestrial invertebrates

Keywords: database, machine learning models, toxicity prediction, statistics

Éverton Souza da Silva

S01, Prediction of the toxicity and assessment of the environmental risk of microplastic particles based on their properties | Supervisor Dr. Magdalena Mair

Éverton Souza da Silva
PhD Candidate Junior Research Group Statistical Ecotoxicology | Supervisor Dr. Magdalena Mair

B13, Room 1.03
Universität Bayreuth
Universitätstraße 30
95440 Bayreuth

Telefon: +49 (0)921 / 55 - 2063
E-Mail: Everton1.Souza-da-Silva@uni-bayreuth.de

Junior Research Group Statistical Ecotoxicology

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Andreas Dietl

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