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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences

Collaborative Research Centre 1357 Microplastics

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2025    2024    2023    2022    2021    2020    2019    all years

Date News
18.02.2025 Lecture and Laboratory Tour
18.02.2025 Poster exhibition: Microplastics in our living environment
18.02.2025 Children's cinema and live microscopy
18.02.2025 Supporting programme 2025 Wassermonth March
17.02.2025 Follow us on Blue Sky and LinkedIn
03.02.2025 Successful start of the female empowerment coaching
21.01.2025 Prof Laforsch gives a lecture at VHS Herzogenaurach
29.11.2024 CRC micropastics at the microONE Summit on Microplastics and Health
20.11.2024 Dr Löder is one of the ‘Highly Cited Researchers 2024’
20.11.2024 Bavarian Environmental Award 2024 for the cooperation between the CRC Microplastics and the Main River Film Festival and the Bayreuth Region Water Month
14.11.2024 Dr Anja Ramsperger receives the Bavarian Culture Prize 2024
13.11.2024 Early Career Workshop 2024
25.10.2024 Movie Night "Plastic Fantastic" at Glashaus
18.10.2024 12. Kitzbuehel Water and Energy Symposium
18.10.2024 PhD Symposium 2024
18.10.2024 ZAITRUS and CRC1357 Mikroplastics test prototype
03.10.2024 „Doors open“ with the mouse
23.09.2024 MICRO 2024 International Conference
19.09.2024 Prof Laforsch gives lecture at LakeExplorer
10.09.2024 Paul Crutzen Prize awarded to Dr Anja Ramsperger
12.08.2024 Dr. Florian Pohl is accepted into the Emmy Noether Program of DFG associated with the CRC 1357 Microplastics
17.07.2024 New article in LABO magazin
23.05.2024 Prof Laforsch at PAPILLONS Stakeholder Forum
17.05.2024 Myriam Younes receives first place of Sustainability Award
16.04.2024 Girls' Day visit to the CRC Microplastic
16.04.2024 Workshop Communication Across Cultures
16.04.2024 CRC microplastics lecture for pupils
10.04.2024 CRC microplastics at EGU
10.04.2024 CRC 1357 microplastics at "Environment Week"
28.03.2024 CRC microplastics meets art
22.03.2024 CRC 1357 microplastics at DGHM & VAAM 2024
23.02.2024 CRC 1357 at the MAKRO 2024
23.02.2024 Water month 2024
01.02.2024 Start of experiments in the aquatic mesocosm facility at the UBT
16.01.2024 Lecture of Professor Laforsch at Kiwanis Club
10.01.2024 CRC microplastics on social channels
10.01.2024 CRC microplastics at the Cladocera XII
12.12.2023 On the subject of salt, the SWR Story presents analysis results from the CRC Microplastics
30.11.2023 Lecture by Prof Laforsch at the AAD ITC 2024 in Dresden
13.11.2023 TV report on BR for the magazine quer: how much does a ban on glitter achieve?
03.11.2023 Visit to the Girls and Technology Day
02.11.2023 Prof. Dr. Christian Laforsch honoured as Professor of the Year
25.10.2023 Publication in "Nachrichten aus der Chemie" the news magazine of the German Chemical Society
25.10.2023 Two radio reports on the EU ban on microplastics
03.10.2023 The Mouse Door Opener Day on October 3rd 2023 at CRC microplastics
15.05.2023 CRC 1357 Microplastics Seminar: 15.05.2023 | Prof. Dr. Markus Biesalski | Tailor-made functional papers – a complex low-cost material in high-tech applications
17.03.2023 Workshop for PhDs (f/m/d) | "The patriarchy of things - and how it influences my research" | Deadline 31.01.2023
14.03.2023 The CRC 1357 Microplastics as part of the Main Fluss Film Fest in Bayreuth
09.03.2023 EU-Event in Brussels | Stakeholder Workshop | Tackling microplastics in the environment | Deadline for registration 26.01.2023
01.03.2023 Kick-Off Meeting of the CRC 1357 Microplastics
11.02.2023 New CRC 1357 Publication: Lehmann (2023) - Modeling of vertical microplastic transport by rising bubbles
30.01.2023 CRC 1357 Microplastics Seminar: 30.01.2023 | Dr. Sonja Oberbeckmann | The microplastic microbiome
23.01.2023 International doctoral candidates in the context "microplastics in soils" wanted for DAAD scholarship programme (f/d/m) | Application deadline 31.01.2023
20.01.2023 New CRC 1357 Publication: Jakobs (2023) - A novel approach to extract, purify, and fractionate microplastics from environmental matrices by isopycnic ultracentrifugation
12.01.2023 New feature by Andreas Cramer and Andrea Carminati in csa news | The Incredible Shrinking Polymer - What Is Happening in Soils as Plastics Transform into Ever Smaller Pieces?
12.01.2023 New CRC 1357 publication: Elagami (2023) -  Quantifying microplastic residence times in lakes using mesocosm experiments and transport modelling
11.01.2023 New magazine article: Horizon - the research magazine of the European Cmmission highlights the CRC 1357 sister project and ITN network limnoplast
10.01.2023 BayCEER/GCE/ECCH course "Project Management and Scientific Coordination" visits the CRC 1357 microplastic
17.12.2022 New CRC 1357 publication: Laermanns (2022) - Microplastic in Water and Sediments at the Confluence of the Elbe and Mulde Rivers in Germany
16.12.2022 New CRC 1357 publication: Hu (2022) - Tailor-made compostable polyurethanes
12.12.2022 CRC 1357 Microplastics seminar: 12.12.2022 | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Josef Endres | Closing the gap between laboratory and field tests to investigate the aquatic degradability of plastics
12.12.2022 New CRC 1357 press release: Microplastics in human tissue samples: International study warns against drawing premature conclusions 
05.12.2022 CRC 1357 Microplastics seminar: 05.12.2022 | Prof. Dr. Nelson Odume | How should we consider the role of hydraulic habitats and traits in the study of the distribution and effects of microplastics in riverine systems?
30.11.2022 New CRC 1357 press release: Accelerating plastic degradation in the environment: Bayreuth study researches heat resistance of enzymes
25.11.2022 2. funding period for the CRC Microplastics from 2023-2026
15.11.2022 Dr. Martin Löder is "Highly Cited Researcher 2022"
14.11.2022 MICRO 2022 Atlas Edition: Plastic Pollution from Macro to Nano
11.11.2022 Oral Presentation Award
08.11.2022 New CRC 1357 press release: New study by the University of Bayreuth: Biodegradable microplastics in soils cause CO₂ emissions to rise
06.11.2022 New CRC 1357 publication: Weigert (2022) - Investigation of the halophilic PET hydrolase PET6 from Vibrio gazogenes
06.11.2022 Microplastics 2022
03.11.2022 New CRC 1357 publication: Dudko (2022) - Spontaneous delamination of affordable natural vermiculite as a high barrier filler for biodegradable food packaging
03.11.2022 MUT - Girls and Technology 2022
25.10.2022 New CRC 1357 press release: Bayreuth case study discovers ecological impact of water-soluble polymers
04.10.2022 New CRC 1357 Publication: Jasinski (2022) - Tailor-Made Protein Corona Formation on Polystyrene Microparticles and its Effect on Epithelial Cell Uptake
04.10.2022 New CRC 1357 Publication: Rohrbach (2022) - Microplastic polymer properties as deterministic factorsdriving terrestrial plastisphere microbiome assembly andsuccession in the field
21.09.2022 New CRC 1357 Publication: Meides (2022) - Quantifying the fragmentation of polypropylene upon exposure to accelerated weathering
27.08.2022 New CRC 1357 press release: Particles from everyday wall paints can harm living organisms – novel membrane shows high filtering effects
10.08.2022 New CRC 1357 publication: Schrank (2022) - Microplastic sample purification methods - Assessing detrimental effects of purification procedures on specific plastic types
05.08.2022 New SFB 1357 publication: Völkl (2022) -  Pristine and artificially-aged polystyrene microplastic particles differ in regard to cellular response
01.08.2022 New CRC 1357 publication: Ritschar (2022) - Taking advantage of transparency: A proof-of-principle for the analysis of the uptake of labeled microplastic particles by organisms of different functional feeding guilds using an adapted CUBIC protocol
25.07.2022 CRC 1357 Microplastics seminar: 25.07.2022 | Prof. Dr. Peter Fiener | Arable soils - a leaking sink of microplastic?
20.06.2022 New SFB 1357 publication: Menzel (2022) - Degradation of low-density polyethylene to nanoplastic particles by accelerated weathering
20.06.2022 New CRC 1357 publication: Mauel (2022) - Quantification of photooxidative defects in weathered microplastics using 13C multiCP NMR spectroscopy
18.05.2022 New CRC 1357 press release: New study examines microplastic pollution in Rhine floodplain near Cologne
16.05.2022 CRC 1357 Microplastics insights seminar: 16.05.2022 | Jan-Pascal Boos and Dr. Hannes Laermanns | Tracking microplastic transport on the soil surface and at the water-sediment interface
04.05.2022 New CRC 1357 Publication: Opitz (2022) - Sedimentation Kinetics of Hydrous Ferric Oxides in Ferruginous, Circumneutral Mine Water
28.04.2022 Girls Day 2022
27.04.2022 New CRC 1357 press release: Nanoplastic particles love company: researchers in Bayreuth analyze polyethylene degradation in the environment
15.04.2022 New CRC 1357 publication: Zhang (2022) - Biomimetic gill-inspired membranes with direct-through micropores for water remediation by efficiently removing microplastic particles
15.04.2022 New CRC 1357 publication: Wieland (2022) - From properties to toxicity: Comparing microplastics to other airborne microparticles
14.04.2022 New CRC 1357 Publication: Stäglich (2022) - Portable Hyperpolarized Xe-129 Apparatus with Long-Time Stable Polarization Mediated by Adaptable Rb Vapor Density
13.04.2022 New CRC 1357 Publication: Nogueira (2022) - Spatiotemporal variations in water sources and mixing spots in a riparian zone
13.04.2022 New CRC 1357 publication: Ahmadi (2022) - Systematic Evaluation of Physical Parameters Affecting the Terminal Settling Velocity of Microplastic Particles in Lakes Using CFD
04.04.2022 CRC 1357 Microplastics insights seminar: 04.04.2022 | Matthias Völkl and Simon Wieland | Mikroplastik ist nicht Mikroplastik - Wenn Partikeleigenschaften über die biologische Wirkung entscheiden
03.04.2022 3sat WissenHoch2: Hazardous waste - hidden dumpsites of the municipalities
16.03.2022 New CRC 1357 publication: Esders (2022) - Quantitative detection of aerial suspension of particles with a full-frame visual camera for atmospheric wind tunnel studies
15.03.2022 New CRC 1357 publication: Schwarzer (2022) - Shape, size, and polymer dependent effects of microplastics on Daphnia magna
08.03.2022 New CRC 1357 publication: Leitner (2022) - Efficient Synthesis and Wetting Characteristics of Amphiphilic Galactose–PLA Block Copolymers: A Potential Additive for the Accelerated Biodegradation of Micro- and Nanoplastics
25.02.2022 New CRC 1357 publication: Elagami (2022) - Measurement of microplastic settling velocities and implications for residence times in thermally stratified lakes
21.02.2022 CRC 1357 Microplastics seminar: 21.02.2022 | Prof. Dr. Silke Christiansen | From macro- to nano-plastics: Scale bridging analytics with microscopies and spectroscopies in various matrices and preparative workflows
17.02.2022 New recommendation by the journal Histochemistry & Cell Biology
10.02.2022 New CRC 1357 publication: Wilde (2022) - Improving the proteome coverage of Daphnia magna - implications for future ecotoxicoproteomics studies
26.01.2022 New CRC 1357 publication: Lehmann (2022) - Analytic Solution to the Piecewise Linear Interface Construction Problem and Its Application in Curvature Calculation for Volume-of-Fluid Simulation Codes
24.01.2022 CRC 1357 Microplastics seminar: 24.01.2022 | Prof. Dr. Thilo Hofmann | Nanotechnology, Nanogeosciences, Nanoplastics: Similarities and Perspectives
14.01.2022 New CRC 1357 publication: Shabbir (2022) - Enhanced periphyton biodegradation of endocrine disrupting hormones and microplastic: Intrinsic reaction mechanism, influential humic acid and microbial community structure elucidation
10.01.2022 Siblers DenkRäume: new podcast with Prof. Christian Laforsch
05.01.2022 New CRC 1357 publication: Zhang (2022) - The Bacteroidetes Aequorivita sp. and Kaistella jeonii Produce Promiscuous Esterases With PET-Hydrolyzing Activity
07.12.2021 New CRC 1357 publication: Timmins (2022) - High Barrier Nanocomposite Film with Accelerated Biodegradation by Clay Swelling Induced Fragmentation
26.04.2021 SFB 1357 contributions vEGU21
19.04.2021 Invited Talk: Final Conference "Plastik in der Umwelt"
15.04.2021 New CRC 1357 Publication MethodsX
15.04.2021 Invited Talk: Anja Ramsperger at the Young Macromolecular Webinar
12.04.2021 New CRC 1357 Publication Water, Air, & Soil Pollution
02.04.2021 New CRC 1357 publication ACS Macromolecules
30.03.2021 Microplastics bookchapter in Regulatory Toxicology
11.03.2021 Wanted: PhD Statistical Ecotoxicology
10.03.2021 Radio News BR "Nachhaltige Küchenschürzen"
09.03.2021 Wanted: Chemical technical assistant (f/m/d)
01.03.2021 New Junior Research Group Statistical Ecotoxicology
01.03.2021 New CRC 1357 Publication Biochemistry
26.02.2021 Makromolekulares Kolloquium Freiburg 2021
23.02.2021 New CRC 1357 Publication Environmental Chemistry
20.02.2021 New Feature: ARD W wie wissen " How dangerous are microplastics?"
17.02.2021 CRC 1357 Digital Coffee Break
12.02.2021 New CRC 1357 subproject Microplastics in the Rhizosphere
11.02.2021 Inivted Talk: Christian Laforsch @ AFBW
26.01.2021 Invited Talk: Christian Laforsch @ EAWAG
16.01.2021 Feature BR Gut zu Wissen "What microplastics do to water"
13.01.2021 Invited Talk: Christian Laforsch@ Ringvorlesung Umwelt 2020/2021
10.01.2021 New CRC 1357 Publication Langmuir
08.01.2021 Anjas Paper @ Journal Club Plastic and Waste
21.08.2020 The price for the best manuscript goes to...
20.08.2020 Write it Right Workshop
06.08.2020 Meeting A-Projects
31.07.2020 BR Unser Land
23.07.2020 Meeting C-Projects
07.04.2020 Follow us on Twitter
02.03.2020 1. Bayreuth Microplastics Symposium
27.02.2020 Science meets art... from plastics to microplastics
19.07.2019 Vote CRC1357 PhD Speakers
26.06.2019 Focus online guest article DLD Campus 2019
19.06.2019 CRC 1357 Internal kick-off meeting
18.06.2019 CRC1357 PhD Kickoff Meeting & Vote of the PhD speakers
09.06.2019 School visit RWG Bayreuth
22.05.2019 "13. Würzburger Compoundier Tage" 2019
14.05.2019 DFG Lecture Series "Exkurs" - Insights into the world of science, Bonn
23.04.2019 SFB1357 Microplastics articles in the ubtaktuell 2019/1
04.04.2019 European Geoscience Union 2019 Meeting
27.03.2019 Smart Democracy: Plastik im Meer - Wie stoppen wir die Plastikflut?

Webmaster: Andreas Dietl

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