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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences

Collaborative Research Centre 1357 Microplastics

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2025    2024    2023    2022    2021    2020    2019    all years

Date News
07.12.2021 New CRC 1357 publication: Timmins (2022) - High Barrier Nanocomposite Film with Accelerated Biodegradation by Clay Swelling Induced Fragmentation
26.04.2021 SFB 1357 contributions vEGU21
19.04.2021 Invited Talk: Final Conference "Plastik in der Umwelt"
15.04.2021 New CRC 1357 Publication MethodsX
15.04.2021 Invited Talk: Anja Ramsperger at the Young Macromolecular Webinar
12.04.2021 New CRC 1357 Publication Water, Air, & Soil Pollution
02.04.2021 New CRC 1357 publication ACS Macromolecules
30.03.2021 Microplastics bookchapter in Regulatory Toxicology
11.03.2021 Wanted: PhD Statistical Ecotoxicology
10.03.2021 Radio News BR "Nachhaltige Küchenschürzen"
09.03.2021 Wanted: Chemical technical assistant (f/m/d)
01.03.2021 New Junior Research Group Statistical Ecotoxicology
01.03.2021 New CRC 1357 Publication Biochemistry
26.02.2021 Makromolekulares Kolloquium Freiburg 2021
23.02.2021 New CRC 1357 Publication Environmental Chemistry
20.02.2021 New Feature: ARD W wie wissen " How dangerous are microplastics?"
17.02.2021 CRC 1357 Digital Coffee Break
12.02.2021 New CRC 1357 subproject Microplastics in the Rhizosphere
11.02.2021 Inivted Talk: Christian Laforsch @ AFBW
26.01.2021 Invited Talk: Christian Laforsch @ EAWAG
16.01.2021 Feature BR Gut zu Wissen "What microplastics do to water"
13.01.2021 Invited Talk: Christian Laforsch@ Ringvorlesung Umwelt 2020/2021
10.01.2021 New CRC 1357 Publication Langmuir
08.01.2021 Anjas Paper @ Journal Club Plastic and Waste

Webmaster: Andreas Dietl

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