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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences

Collaborative Research Centre 1357 Microplastics

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2025    2024    2023    2022    2021    2020    2019    all years

Date News
12.12.2023 On the subject of salt, the SWR Story presents analysis results from the CRC Microplastics
30.11.2023 Lecture by Prof Laforsch at the AAD ITC 2024 in Dresden
13.11.2023 TV report on BR for the magazine quer: how much does a ban on glitter achieve?
03.11.2023 Visit to the Girls and Technology Day
02.11.2023 Prof. Dr. Christian Laforsch honoured as Professor of the Year
25.10.2023 Publication in "Nachrichten aus der Chemie" the news magazine of the German Chemical Society
25.10.2023 Two radio reports on the EU ban on microplastics
03.10.2023 The Mouse Door Opener Day on October 3rd 2023 at CRC microplastics
15.05.2023 CRC 1357 Microplastics Seminar: 15.05.2023 | Prof. Dr. Markus Biesalski | Tailor-made functional papers – a complex low-cost material in high-tech applications
17.03.2023 Workshop for PhDs (f/m/d) | "The patriarchy of things - and how it influences my research" | Deadline 31.01.2023
14.03.2023 The CRC 1357 Microplastics as part of the Main Fluss Film Fest in Bayreuth
09.03.2023 EU-Event in Brussels | Stakeholder Workshop | Tackling microplastics in the environment | Deadline for registration 26.01.2023
01.03.2023 Kick-Off Meeting of the CRC 1357 Microplastics
11.02.2023 New CRC 1357 Publication: Lehmann (2023) - Modeling of vertical microplastic transport by rising bubbles
30.01.2023 CRC 1357 Microplastics Seminar: 30.01.2023 | Dr. Sonja Oberbeckmann | The microplastic microbiome
23.01.2023 International doctoral candidates in the context "microplastics in soils" wanted for DAAD scholarship programme (f/d/m) | Application deadline 31.01.2023
20.01.2023 New CRC 1357 Publication: Jakobs (2023) - A novel approach to extract, purify, and fractionate microplastics from environmental matrices by isopycnic ultracentrifugation
12.01.2023 New feature by Andreas Cramer and Andrea Carminati in csa news | The Incredible Shrinking Polymer - What Is Happening in Soils as Plastics Transform into Ever Smaller Pieces?
12.01.2023 New CRC 1357 publication: Elagami (2023) -  Quantifying microplastic residence times in lakes using mesocosm experiments and transport modelling
11.01.2023 New magazine article: Horizon - the research magazine of the European Cmmission highlights the CRC 1357 sister project and ITN network limnoplast
10.01.2023 BayCEER/GCE/ECCH course "Project Management and Scientific Coordination" visits the CRC 1357 microplastic

Webmaster: Andreas Dietl

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