Team > Yifan Lu

B06 Behavior and transport of microplastics in disturbed and undisturbed soils | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christina Bogner
PhD Candidate Physical Geography | Supervisor Prof. Dr. Christina Bogner
Master in Applied Crystallography. Bachelor in Environmental Science and Engineering

B06 Behavior and transport of microplastics in disturbed and undisturbed soils | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christina Bogner
Transport of microplastics in soils and interaction with bioturbation like soil organisms and plant roots network
Keywords:Environmental Science and Engineering, Analytical Chemistry, Soil Science, Crystallography

B06 Behavior and transport of microplastics in disturbed and undisturbed soils | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christina Bogner
Yifan Lu
PhD Candidate Physical Geography | Supervisor Prof. Dr. Christina Bogner
Ecosystem Research Group, Rundbau, Room 0.20, Zälpicher Strasse 45
University of Cologne
50674 Cologne
Phone: +49 (0)221 470 3732
Institute of Geograppy, University of Cologne, Ecosystem Research