Team > Xiong Xiong

C02: Degradation of biodegradable polymers and their clay nanocomposites under environmentally relevant conditions
PhD Candidate Inorganic Chemistry | Supervisor Prof. Dr. Josef Breu
Master in Science

C02: Degradation of biodegradable polymers and their clay nanocomposites under environmentally relevant conditions
Delamination and redox study of natural clay minerals and their composition with biodegradable polymer under environmental relevant conditions
Keywords: inorganic chemistry, interface, 2D material, colloids.

C02: Degradation of biodegradable polymers and their clay nanocomposites under environmentally relevant conditions
Xiong Xiong
PhD Candidate Inorganic Chemistry | Supervisor Prof. Dr. Josef Breu
NWI, Room: 3.1 00 04
Universität Bayreuth
Universitätstraße 30
95447 Bayreuth
Phone: 0921/55-2539