Team > Leon Gröschel

A03, Characterisation of molecular and histological effects of microplastics in tissue (sections) of aquatic and terrestrial model organisms | Supervisor: Prof Dr Andreas Römpp
PhD Candidate Imaging Mass Spectrometry | Supervisor Prof Dr Andreas Römpp
Masters in Chemie

A03, Characterisation of molecular and histological effects of microplastics in tissue (sections) of aquatic and terrestrial model organisms | Supervisor: Prof Dr Andreas Römpp
Implementing the direct detection of microplastic with imaging mass spectrometry
Keywords: Technical expertise, data evaluation, chemical knowledge, consistency

A03, Characterisation of molecular and histological effects of microplastics in tissue (sections) of aquatic and terrestrial model organisms | Supervisor: Prof Dr Andreas Römpp
Leon Gröschel
PhD Candidate Imaging Mass Spectrometry| Supervisor Prof Dr. Andreas Römpp
Masters in Chemie
NW I - BZKG, Room 1.2 U1 10.1
University of Bayreuth
Universitätsstraße 30
95440 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 (0) 921/55-4350