Team > Aileen Jakobs

A06: Microplastics in the rhizosphere of crop plants – effects on physical, chemical and microbial processes in soil
PhD Candidate Ecological Microbiology | Supervisor Prof. Dr. Tillmann Lüders
Master in Molecular Ecology

A06: Microplastics in the rhizosphere of crop plants – effects on physical, chemical and microbial processes in soil
Impact of microplastics on the root microbiome and microbial processes in the rhizosphere of crops.
Keywords: Rhizosphere microbiome, MP-associated biofilms, next-generation sequencing, isopycnic ultracentrifugation

A06: Microplastics in the rhizosphere of crop plants – effects on physical, chemical and microbial processes in soil
Jakobs, Aileen; Gürkal, Elif; Möller, Julia N.; Löder, Martin G. J.; Laforsch, Christian; Lüders, Tillmann
A novel approach to extract, purify, and fractionate microplastics from environmental matrices ...
in Science of the Total Environment volume 857, Part 3 (2023)
doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159610 ...
Rauscher, Adina; Meyer, Nele; Jakobs, Aileen; Bartnick, Ryan; Lüders, Tillmann; Lehndorff, Eva
Biodegradable microplastic increases CO₂ emission and alters microbial biomass and bacterial co ...
in Applied Soil Ecology volume 182 (2023)
doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2022.104714 ...

A06: Microplastics in the rhizosphere of crop plants – effects on physical, chemical and microbial processes in soil
Aileen Jakobs
PhD Candidate Ecological Microbiology | Supervisor Prof. Dr. Tillmann Lüders
Room D3
Universität Bayreuth
Dr.-Hans-Frisch-Str. 1-3
95440 Bayreuth
Phone: +49(0)921/55-5672
Homepage: Ökologische Mikrobiologie