Team > Lisa-Cathrin Leitner

C05: Degradation and behaviour of plastics and microplastic particles in technical systems of water and waste management
PhD Candidate Macromolecular Chemistry | Supervisor Prof. Dr. Andreas Greiner
Master in Polymer Science

C05: Degradation and behaviour of plastics and microplastic particles in technical systems of water and waste management
Keywords: degradation, weathering, mechanics, polymer testing

C05: Degradation and behaviour of plastics and microplastic particles in technical systems of water and waste management
Lisa-Cathrin Leitner
PhD Candidate Macromolecular Chemistry | Supervisor Prof. Dr. Andreas Greiner
NW II Room: 5.1 01 008
Universität Bayreuth
Universitätstraße 30
95440 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4445
Homepage: Macromolecular Chemistry II