Team > Elmar Sehl

C02: Degradation of biodegradable polymers and their clay nano-composites under environmentally relevant conditions
PhD Candidate Macromolecular Chemistry | Supervisor Prof. Dr. Seema Agarwal
Master of Science in Macromolecular Chemisty, University of Freiburg

C02: Degradation of biodegradable polymers and their clay nano-composites under environmentally relevant conditions
Keywords Research: Biobased and biodegradable polymers, functional materials, sustainable chemistry, microplastic

C02: Degradation of biodegradable polymers and their clay nano-composites under environmentally relevant conditions
Hink, Linda; Rohrbach, Stephan; Rehkopf, Joey; Sehl, Elmar; Agarwal, Seema; Feldhaar, Heike; Horn, Marcus A.
Poly(L-lactide) mineralisation under environmental conditions is enhanced in earthworm guts
in Soil Biology & Biochemistry volume 196 (2024)
doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2024.109485 ...
Holzinger, Anja; Hink, Linda; Sehl, Elmar; Rüppel, Nadine; Lehndorff, Eva; Weig, Alfons; Agarwal, Seema; Horn, Marcus A.; Feldhaar, Heike
Biodegradable polymers boost reproduction in the earthworm Eisenia fetida
in Science of the Total Environment volume 892 (2023)
doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164670 ...
Venkateshaiah, Abhilash; Sehl, Elmar; Timmins, Renee; Wacławek, Stanisław; Černík, Miroslav; Agarwal, Seema; Padil, Vinod V. T.
Dialdehyde Modified Tree Gum Karaya : A Sustainable Green Crosslinker for Gelatin‐Based Edible ...
in Advanced Sustainable Systems volume 6 (2022) issue 6
doi:10.1002/adsu.202100423 ...
Venkateshaiah, Abhilash; Timmins, Renee; Sehl, Elmar; Wacławek, Stanisław; Černík, Miroslav; Padil, Vinod V. T.; Agarwal, Seema
High Barrier, Biodegradable Nanocomposite Films Based on Clay‐Coated and Chemically Modified Gu ...
in Macromolecular Materials and Engineering volume 307 (2022) issue 8
doi:10.1002/mame.202200008 ...
Sehl, Elmar; Timmins, Renee; Ghosh, Dipannita; Breu, Josef; Agarwal, Seema
Stretchable and Fast Composting Polyester Films with High-Performance Oxygen Barrier
in ACS Applied Polymer Materials volume 4 (2022) issue 9. - page 6675-6686
doi:10.1021/acsapm.2c01040 ...
Sehl, Elmar; Eger, Eva M.; Himmelsbach, Andreas; Agarwal, Seema
Fast Hydrolyzable Constitutional Isomer of Poly(butylene terephthalate) and Its Copolyesters wi ...
in ACS Applied Polymer Materials volume 3 (2021) issue 12. - page 6427-6436
doi:10.1021/acsapm.1c01169 ...

C02: Degradation of biodegradable polymers and their clay nano-composites under environmentally relevant conditions
Elmar Sehl
PhD Candidate Macromolecular Chemistry | Supervisor Prof. Dr. Seema Agarwal
Room: 4.2 02 798
Building: NW II
Universität Bayreuth
Universitätsstrasse 30
95447 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 921 55-3308
Homepage: MCII