CRC 1357 Microplastics Seminar: 30.01.2023 | Dr. Sonja Oberbeckmann | The microplastic microbiome

Monday, 30. January 2023
16:15, ZOOM or live in H18, NWII
Dr. Sonja Oberbeckmann, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Rostock
The microplastic microbiome
The Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1357 Microplastics has its own series of events at which, at irregular intervals, guests from the CRC but also members of the CRC themselves present new findings from the world of microplastics research.
The lecture lasts about 45 minutes and there is time for questions afterwards.
The lectures usually take place in presence on the campus of the University of Bayreuth, but can also be attended in LiveStream (ZOOM). The link will be announced in the newsletter on the day of the event. Registration can be done on the CRC 1357 website (link).
The CRC 1357 deals with the formation, migration and effects of microplastics and develops new solutions for this immense environmental problem.
In the seminar on 30.01.2023, Dr. Sonja Oberbeckmann from the IOW Rostock will be a guest. Her lecture, entitled "The Microplastic Microbiome", deals with microplastics in the sea, which are easily colonised by a variety of microorganisms. The talk will focus on which microorganisms use microplastics as a habitat, how environmental factors promote this colonisation and why biodegradation of plastics in the ocean is an unlikely process overall. We will also discuss whether potentially pathogenic microorganisms hitchhike on microplastics. Finally, possible ecological consequences of the interactions between microplastics and microorganisms will be presented.
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