DFG Lecture Series "Exkurs" - Insights into the world of science, Bonn

The "Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft" welcomes you to the lecture!
Tuesday, 14 May 2019 at 7 pm at the Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn Prof. Christian Laforsch Mikroplastik in der Umwelt: Kleine Teile, große Wirkung
Plastic is everywhere - in the water, in cosmetics, in our food. The pollution of the environment by tiny plastic particles, the microplastics, is therefore a hot topic for research and for the public. Microplastics is a collective term for tiny particles of various plastic polymers. Their properties are very diverse, which makes it difficult to make precise statements about the extent of environmental pollution and the risk to human health. Together with colleagues at the University of Bayreuth, ecologist Christian Laforsch is investigating the chemical and physical properties of microplastics and their effect on the environment.They want to be able to better assess environmental risks and provide the basis for the development of environmentally friendly plastics. In his lecture, Christian Laforsch reports what research currently knows about microplastics and how it assesses the risks to the environment and health.